The Internet has made access to pornography easier than ever before in human history, and instead of getting bored with it, Americans seem to want more of it than ever. In fact, an increasing number of Americans are not even waiting to get home to indulge in it.
Newsweek is reporting the results of a new survey that reveal that 25 percent of American employees who have Internet access visit porn websites while they are at work.
So if you are in an office with at least 3 coworkers, the odds are that at least one of you is looking at porn while you are at work.
But should we be surprised by all of this?
The truth is that the United States is totally enslaved to pornography.
Did you know that.....
*89% of porn is created in the United States?
*$2.84 billion in revenue was generated from U.S. porn sites in 2006?
*89 dollars is spent on porn every single second of the day?
*260 new porn sites go online every day?
*Porn revenue is larger than all of the COMBINED revenues of all professional football, baseball and basketball franchises in the United States?
*A survey of "Promise Keeper" men revealed that 53% of them had viewed pornography in the last week?
*The number of pornographic websites is over 4.2 million (12% of the total websites in the world), and that those websites get over 40 million visits per day?
*25% of all search engine requests are related to porn?
*More than 70% of all men between the ages of 18 and 34 visit a pornographic site in a typical month?
Now there is news that officials estimate that 600,000 Americans and 65,000 Canadians are trading dirty child pictures online.
That is an epidemic!
And actually the child pornography unit of the Ontario Provincial Police believes that the 65,000 figure for Canada is very low.
According to them, 40,000 computers in Ontario alone are known to be used to access child pictures.
They also say that the profits from creating and trading these images is estimated to be 2 to 3 billion dollars every year.
How sick is that?
America and Canada are disgustingly sick and the problem is getting worse every single year.
But those who practice these things will be held accountable by God.
In Matthew 18:6, Jesus said the following about those who would abuse children.....
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
If you have ever been involved in any aspect of this type of sin, you need to get down on your hands and knees and repent before the living God while you still have time to repent.
You sin has been terrible, but there is hope for you. The only hope for any of us is to find forgiveness of our sins and eternal salvation through Jesus Christ:
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